HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Description: The hospital management software is excellent software in the hospital management field...
SQL Server C#▍C#.net hotel management system
Based on c # .net written in hotel management system which comes with a database to complete all of the features required for ordinary hotels...
DataBase C#▍CAPTCHA recognition system (the common CAPTCHA recognition engine) version V2.1 green official
CAPTCHA recognition system (the common CAPTCHA recognition engine) version V2.1 green official Four broad categories of patterns: segmentation, mixed recognition, global recognition, to quickly identify, to recognize characters effectively distorted, adhesion, overlapping verification c...
Image Processing C#▍C # implementation of HOOK mouse and keyboard source code
Global Hook, you can get Mouseover, Mouse Click, MouseDown Up, DoubleClick. Wheel, Press, keyboard KeyPress, keyDown, KeyUp...
GUI C#▍Restaurant billing system
This Restaurant Billing System Project is developed using C# 4.5 and Sql Server 2012 for my client. Main Features are : 1.Customers Management 2.Sales management 3.Billing 4.Advanced reports Login Information : Username- admin Password- admin For students or anyone else...
CSharp C#▍The most simple login interface
LINQ database in ASP.NET application for session storage networking users temporary information to make the perfect website login username and password using the JAVA Script of logical analysis, complete database to store the users to upload information requirements at the end....
Web Framework C#▍ZK attendance machine secondary development
Using TCP/IP communication, with c # 2010, you can upload and download data, deleting administrators, manage attendance time, number...
Windows C#▍C # implementation for Oracle in VS2010 database deletion interface display and check the modified source code
Using the c # language in VS2010, realize the connection to the Oracle database, create tables, add, query, modify, delete, data display and interface, provides the complete sample source code....
oracle C#▍A video chat source code
A video chat source video chat source code, video chat source code, video chat source code, video chat source code, video chat source code, video chat source code, video chat source code, video chat source code, video chat source code, video chat source code, video chat source code, video chat sourc...
Communication C#▍The domineering QQ landing interface
1.100% high copy interface, let you tell do not know if that is really the QQ. 2. log into the main interface, the login prompts popups. 3. skin find: drag any picture to the main interface, you can change its skin. 4. skin tones get: change the skin at the same time, picture tint will be evaluat...
CSharp C#▍Show ACCESS database table in DataGridView
Programming with c # to connect to an Access database, open a list, in the details of the data table is displayed in the DataGridView control....
DataBase C#▍Instant Messaging software based on QT programming
This software based on QT programming, suitable for beginners to start with, the basic features of instant messaging software has achieved, code style is straightforward....
Windows C#▍Student attendance based on online signature authentication system
In the age of information, how to identify a person's identity, the protection of information security has become a critical social problem that must be solved. Handwritten signature production technology matures to life more convenient. Our technology based on digital signature handwritten verifica...
Web Framework C#▍Virtual Keyboard
This project contains the design of easy virtual keyboard that can use from by the users to enter characters or numbers to the computer.this project is designed generally for any purpose, you can set the action of the keyboard as you want. ...
GUI C#▍cafe manager
quản lý bán cafe dùng CSDL SQL sever 2005 trở lên gói gồm data và code...
Windows C#▍8 puzzle solution with A star algoritmh
The 8-Puzzle Problem is a thing they throw at you when you study Artificial Intelligence. It’s a great little problem for learning to understand search trees and shortest path algorithms with heuristics. Traveling via Breadth-First Search, via Depth First Search we mostly end up with the A* Algori...
GUI C#▍How to perform Face Detection using your camera / Webcam.
How to perform Face Detection using your camera / Webcam. Download WPF Face Detection Solution File Hi there, this is a new tutorial category in my blog. It's Computer Vision. In this blog, I'd like to show you something cool. It's how to perform Face Detection us...
Windows C#▍AttendanceManageSystem
Attendance Manage System User management module of the human resource management system, attendance management, employee management...
CSharp C#▍15-puzzle(Game of Fifteen)
The 15-puzzle is a sliding puzzle that consists of a frame of numbered square tiles in random order with one tile missing.The object of the puzzle is to place the tiles in order (see diagram) by making sliding moves that use the empty space....
Windows C#Hot Search Keywords
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